Give feedback and encourage a friend – you can win a gift card for a massage!
Let's give each other good and encouraging feedback and praise and encourage each other with the help of a wall of positive feedback.
Kantelinen Hanna-Riikka
Suunnittelija, Administrative Planner
Julkaistu 21.11.2024
The positive feedback wall will be implemented during 18.11-22.11.2024. You can attend the wall at. Between 10:30-12:30 Jamk's on campus screens. A raffle for a massage gift card (Aino Yli-Suvanto, Fysiomekka, CrossFit Jyväskylä) will be carried out among the participants of the feedback survey. In Padlet you will find a link to the feedback survey, after filling it out you will be entered into the draw!
The wall of positive feedback is implemented as part of the Future Factory project course.
The project is assigned by Jamk, which wants to support the mental well-being and self-capability of Jamk students.
Come and participate and share the good!
Regards project team members,
Hämäläinen Roosa, Koskimäki Reetta, Parhiala Jasmin, Saarinen Krista &; Sihvonen Veera
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